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Join Us ! 

Easing the Transition

All new members live in the house the following fall. Members of a new member class may range from incoming freshman to seniors to ladies transferring from another college.


A girl is a new member the first semester she lives in the house. During this time, the active members and, more specifically, the new member educator, introduce the new members to our cooperative style of living. It is very important to 4-H House that new members adjust well to their new home. The top priorities for a new member should include:


  • Achieving a minimum 2.6 grade average

  • Fulfilling house responsibilities

  • Adjusting to campus life


During the first semester, each young woman is paired with a big sister, who is an active member that becomes a special friend. Active members also serve as academic advisors to new members in order to help them with classes and their chosen majors

Be sure to fill out our 2023 Application
We have a rolling application process so we accept applications throughout the year until the final deadline.  
Interviewing Weekends

After you apply, you are invited to attend our interview weekend in the spring.  We hold an Interviewing Weekend each year to give our potential new members a chance to experience the house and get to know us better.  


Our Interviewing Weekends for 2024

March 23rd - 24th

or April 6th - 7th


In early spring final decisions are made and applicants are notified if they are being invited to live at the house. If you cannot attend either interview weekend reach out to and schedule an informal interview!


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Contact us at to arrange a tour of the house or to have any of your questions answered.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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